幾乎所有的科學、醫學研究對薑黃中含有的薑黃素的對抗和預防疾病都針對於成人用,其治療疾病的潛力是無可厚非。然而,Ayurveda-印度傳統醫學系統是建議所有年齡都可以服用薑黃。 所以今天,我們去發表,通過薑黃可以幫助保護您的孩子健康、防病和療效。因為兒童的免疫系統尚未充分發展...
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Do You know there is 2 Turmeric extracts on the market?
One that is Organic and made in Lab (Not from the root) GMO!
The other is made from the REAL Turmeric root (Curcuma Longa and other Curcuma genus) and costs x6 times more for us to buy in.
So my advice would be to stay away from most Organic extracts products which are able to supply and selling around the world, as no one makes them unless its in lab (GMO) or the first certified organic country of Bhutan.
Do you know there are 134 kinds of named “Turmeric” and there are 12 different of Curcuma Genus?
Watch this video to find out.