不丹胡黃素P1600GX 對 CoV、Delta、Omicron 的天然草本方法解決和醫學根據
以下內容可能需要15分鐘閱讀時間。 從COVD-19 侵襲開始,再發現 Delta 病毒,然後出現了傳染力更強快的Omicron 病毒,各國深受疫情影響,而藥廠開始建議:不如再接種第3針疫苗,到底是否需要打第三針呢? 我用一個學術的方法來解釋一下,...
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Do You know there is 2 Turmeric extracts on the market?
One that is Organic and made in Lab (Not from the root) GMO!
The other is made from the REAL Turmeric root (Curcuma Longa and other Curcuma genus) and costs x6 times more for us to buy in.
So my advice would be to stay away from most Organic extracts products which are able to supply and selling around the world, as no one makes them unless its in lab (GMO) or the first certified organic country of Bhutan.
Do you know there are 134 kinds of named “Turmeric” and there are 12 different of Curcuma Genus?
Watch this video to find out.